Contact Information
  • Attention: Mr. Kwabena “Kobby” Agyekum
  • Title: Historic Preservation Officer, Planning & Development Services
  • Mailing: P.O. Box 1458 Kingsville, TX 78364
  • Physical: 410 W King Kingsville, TX 78363
  • Business: (361) 221-6754
  • E-Mail:

The City has long realized the importance of its historic resources and the value they have in heritage, quality of life, economic development and sustainable tax base.  In 1962, the City created historic preservation regulations that have evolved over the years.  In 1982, the City created the local Historic District and a Historical Development Board to protect historic resources and to monitor construction, renovation and demolition within the district.

Historic Development Board Review of Permits


Applications for construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, demolition or relocation of all or part of any building, structure, or appurtenance within Kingsville’s Historic District or a Historic Landmark require review for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.  Such applications shall be evaluated to determine if the desired work will alter or destroy the historical or architectural integrity of the site before a building or demolition permit will be issued.

Download – Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation

Download Historical Development Board Permit Review Application

City of Kingsville Historic District Map

Download Kingsville Downtown National Register District

 Kingsville Design Standards

Local Hist. Landmark Design Relief for Historic Properties


Local Historic Landmark Designation


The Historic Development Board may designate any property as a landmark that in its opinion has distinguishing characteristics:

  • Is an important specimen of an architectural type
  • Has exceptional value as part of local history and culture
  • Is directly associated with an important architect, builder, owner, event or with community pride

Local Landmark Designation Application and Guidelines

For more information please contact Planning & Development Services, Historic Preservation Officer, at 361-221-6754.


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